
what we do

Simple. Smart. Transparent.

As a tax consulting firm, we provide you with competent support in all matters relating to commercial and tax law.

As a long-standing tax advisor, together with our team we offer you the necessary experience and knowledge to analyze your tax situation competently. Legal entities, partnerships, sole proprietorships, freelancers, private individuals or young, aspiring entrepreneurs place their trust in us.

We prepare tax returns, balance sheets and profit determinations, accompany you during tax audits and tax proceedings and monitor compliance with current documentation requirements. Of course, we also represent your interests with commitment and effectiveness before the authorities. We plan and analyze your economic circumstances with you and show you individual tax consulting recommendations for your economic success.

In addition, we have outstanding specialized knowledge in some areas of tax law, so that you are at the right address with us even with isolated questions and issues!

in focus

Our services

In addition to ongoing tax support, our focus is in particular on providing advice in the following legal and task areas:

Reorganization and restructuring

The path from sole proprietorship or partnership to corporation, or even the restructuring of existing entanglements, can be challenging and financially risky. With us you minimize your risks and set the course for tomorrow!

Sales tax

For us: More than a transitory item! Even in apparently hopeless cases we stand by our clients and also professional colleagues! Especially at the interface to eCommerce, our partners can contribute their years of practical experience at the highest level in the best possible way!

Company and asset succession

Together, we ensure that your assets are protected and that the next generation can take over without any worries as part of private or corporate succession planning.

International tax law

No matter whether you are moving away, moving in or participating in foreign companies – we keep track of the domestic regulations and coordinate our foreign partner law firms!

(e-)Sportsmen and artists

Professional (e)sportsmen and artists are subject to various tax problems at home and abroad. We support and help to keep the overview in this dynamic environment.

Support for start-ups

From start-up to exit, we support young companies in all tax matters and always act as equals.


Web 3.0, NFTs, Bitcoin and Co. are no longer unknowns in financial management. We help to keep the overview and advise with the latest expertise on these tax “young” topics.


Frequently Asked Questions

There are no stupid questions, only bad answers. We’ll go into the most common ones right here.

We usually bill for ongoing activities in accordance with the StBVV. For tax advice in special cases deviate from this depending on the constellation also in the hourly rate. Our goal is to inform our clients in advance about the scope of the expected costs. Find
a free and non-binding sample calculation for a freelancer, a commercial enterprise and a corporation.

A distinction is made between natural persons and legal entities. Classically, at the beginning of their activity, founders are faced with the question of how they want to carry out their activity. Partnerships or sole proprietorships regularly tax the natural persons behind them (so-called transparency principle). Corporations (e.g. limited liability companies) are independent tax subjects and are subject to their own taxation. What is the right choice of legal form for you cannot be clarified across the board and requires tax advice, as many circumstances have to be considered.

As is so often the case in life, the truth probably lies in the middle. First of all, we do not consider promises of 0% to be tenable, as they cannot be practically implemented. Tax advice is always the consideration of the individual case. We will be happy to discuss your personal and operational circumstances with you and find the right solution – tailor-made and adapted to your needs.

Whether you receive a refund or have to pay an additional payment depends on an extremely large number of factors that cannot be compared in advance across the board with other cases. Taxpayers may be required to file a tax return due to a wide variety of circumstances, or they may file it voluntarily. Also, there is a progressive tax rate in Germany – that is, the tax rate on the next taxable euro is higher than the tax rate on the amounts before. An “under-reimbursement” can therefore seem disappointing – but is not usually related to poor performance by the consultant. As a rule of thumb, if you are not required to file a tax return, you should not fear additional payments.

Service Details

Accounting & Finance Services

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In fringilla ullamcorper magna, eget ultrices lorem condimentum id. Phasellus ut ex justo. Mauris tellus erat, luctus nec ligula nec, molestie tincidunt est. Phasellus efficitur urna et eros ultrices, sed ullamcorper ex commodo. Fusce tempus, augue nec vehicula placerat, ipsum libero convallis purus, non vestibulum sapien turpis id justo. Donec nec consectetur risus. Phasellus augue lacus, rutrum et tempus ut, molestie efficitur metus. Nunc semper magna nec enim fringilla scelerisque.

Sed imperdiet neque nec tellus finibus pellent esque. Integer et libero sit amet quam malesuada pharetra. Maecenas scelerisque dui eros.


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Any questions?

Feel free to contact us for an initial consultation!