
Our Clients

Quality Meets Trust

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Years experience
0 +

Industries & consulting services

We are Timo, Sven, Axel and Kai and, together with our colleagues, we form a young interregional law firm with offices in Düsseldorf, Cologne and Bielefeld.

We advise you and your company holistically.
We attach great importance to a personal exchange with you.
We see ourselves as a partner at your side.

After holding different positions in various large law firms, consultancies and companies, we decided to combine our expertise in 2022.

Since then, we have been advising companies from a wide range of sectors.
The tax consultant who best suits you and your company will advise you.


We support companies from a wide range of industries.

Your industry is not listed?
No problem.
Thanks to our broad expertise, we can also provide you and your company with the best possible advice.


Real Estate & Developers

Healthcare professions

Influencer & Creator




Lawyers & Notaries

"We want to combine specialist technical knowledge with the human element and thus create added value for our clients:
In ongoing client support as well as in individual tax issues."

Why Choose Us

Quality Work in Accounting

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Years Experience

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Global Company

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec tetur adipi scing elit.

Trusted Service

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Grow Recurring

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Best Result

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Legal forms

We advise companies of various legal forms.
You can find a selection here.

GmbH & UG

GmbH & Co KG




Sole proprietorship




Years experience
0 +
Cups of coffee per day
0 +
Faxes per year

Work Process

How We Work

Make Appointment

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Enjoy the Service

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Reviews From Clients

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Case Studies

Our Latest Projects

Continuing education

Trainings & Seminars

Our partners regularly contribute their up-to-date knowledge of tax legislation, case law and administrative opinions in specialist publications and seminars as part of tax training and continuing education.

They give lectures in particular in the field of transformation tax, trade tax and corporate income tax on the one hand, and in the field of turnover tax on the other hand. Our clients benefit not only indirectly from this: our advice is always based on the most up-to-date knowledge.

Selected events:

  • NWB Academy, Value Added Tax and E-Commerce (Webinar)
  • Endriss Steuerfachschule, training and further education for tax consultants
  • AWS, Current tax law
  • Working groups of the tax consultant associations on current tax law topics

Selected contributions:

  • DStR 2023, 2417: Online trade – obligation to correct invoices for returns and cancellations
  • SteuerStud 10/2023, 645: Qualification of the transfer of assets to partnerships
  • GmbHR 2015, 1190: Adaptation of the group clause of section 8c KStG by the Tax Amendment Act 2015

Pricing Plans

Choose Your Suitable Plans


Marienplatz 1, 40489 Düsseldorf


+49 221 170 508 45




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